Software Requirement Specification (SRS)

Software Requirement Specification (SRS)


The Software Requirements Specification (SRS) document provides a comprehensive outline of the requirements for the Secure Medical Record Access and Viewing System. This document details the functional and non-functional requirements, system architecture, and design constraints necessary for developing and implementing the system.

The SRS is designed to ensure that all stakeholders, including healthcare providers, patients, and developers, have a clear understanding of the system’s capabilities and limitations. It serves as a foundational document for the development process, guiding design and implementation efforts to ensure alignment with the specified requirements.

For a detailed view of the SRS, please refer to the complete document available publicly on GitHub (opens in a new tab).


The primary purpose of this SRS document is to:

  1. Define System Requirements: Clearly outline the functional and non-functional requirements that the system must meet.
  2. Guide Development: Provide a reference for developers and designers to ensure the system is built to specification.
  3. Facilitate Communication: Serve as a communication tool among stakeholders to ensure a shared understanding of the system’s requirements.


This SRS covers the following aspects of the Secure Medical Record Access and Viewing System:

  • Functional Requirements: Detailed descriptions of system functionalities and features.
  • Non-Functional Requirements: Performance, security, and usability requirements.
  • System Architecture: Overview of the system’s architecture and design.
  • Design Constraints: Limitations and constraints affecting system design and development.


The intended audience for this document includes:

  • Developers and Designers: For understanding the requirements and designing the system accordingly.
  • Healthcare Providers: To understand the functionalities and benefits of the system.
  • Patients: To gain insight into how their medical records will be handled and secured.
  • Project Managers: To manage project scope and ensure compliance with requirements.